It is the practice and policy of Fortune International Group and Regis HR Group to accurately compensate
employees and to do so in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws.

Review your Pay Check

We make every effort to ensure our employees are paid correctly. Occasionally, however inadvertent mistakes can happen. When mistakes do happen and are called to our attention, we will promptly make any corrections necessary. Please review your pay check when you receive it to make sure it is correct. If you believe a mistake has occurred, or you have any questions please use the reporting procedure outlined below.

Absences for jury duty, attendance as a witness or military leave in any week in which you have performed any work.

Any other deductions prohibited by the state or federal law. Please note it is not an improper deduction to reduce an employee’s accrued PTO, or other forms of paid time off from an employee’s leave bank for full or partial day absences for personal reasons, or for sickness or disability if the employer has a sickness or disability policy that provides for wage replacement benefits. Should you have any questions with respect to Fortune International Group’s policy, please contact your
immediate supervisor.