If you are provided a cellular phone by Fortune International Group (“Company Mobile Phone”), it is provided to you as a business tool only. Company Mobile Phones are provided to assist employees in communicating with management and other employees, their clients, associates, and others with whom they may conduct business-related calls. Company Cellular Phone invoices and text messages (including those sent on data pagers) may be regularly monitored to ensure compliance with this policy. Fortune International Group reserves the right to make deductions for charges incurred due to personal use of company cell phones.

Whether the phone is provided by Fortune International Group or the employee is using his or her own phone, employees who have access to a phone while in their cars should remember that their primary responsibility is driving safely and obeying the rules of the road. Employees are prohibited from using phones to conduct business while driving and should safely pull off the road and come to a complete stop before dialing or talking on the phone or writing, sending or reading a text-based communication.

As a representative of Fortune International Group, cell phone users are reminded that the regular business etiquette employed when speaking from office phones or in meetings applies to conversations conducted over a phone.