In an effort to ensure a productive and harmonious work environment, persons not employed by Fortune International Group may not solicit or distribute literature in work areas.
Fortune International Group recognizes that employees may have interests in events and organizations outside the workplace. However, employees may not solicit or distribute literature concerning these activities during working time. (Working time does not include lunch periods, work breaks, or any other periods in which employees are not on duty.)

In addition, the posting of written solicitations on company bulletin boards is prohibited. Bulletin boards are reserved for official organization communications on such items as:
• Workers’ compensation insurance information
• Employee announcements
• Internal memoranda
• Organization announcements
• Postings required by law
• Worker’s compensation insurance information
• State disability insurance/ unemployment insurance information

If employees have a message of interest to the workplace, they may submit it to their supervisor of Fortune International Group for approval. All approved messages will be posted by the Human Resource Manager.