Workplace monitoring may be conducted by Fortune International Group to ensure quality control, employee safety, security, and customer satisfaction. While on Fortune International Group’s premises, employees have no expectation of privacy in their belongings or in the non-private workplace areas which include, but are not limited to, offices, cubicles, work locations, Company provided or designated parking areas, desks, computers, lockers, rest or eating areas, or vehicles engaged in Company operations, and any personal belongings on or in any of the above.

Employees who regularly communicate via the telephone may have their conversations monitored or recorded. Telephone monitoring is used to identify and correct performance problems through targeted training. Improved job performance enhances our customers’ image of Fortune International Group as well as their satisfaction with our service. Computers furnished to employees are the property of Fortune International Group. As such, computer usage and files may be monitored or accessed. Because Fortune International Group is sensitive to the legitimate privacy rights of employees, every effort will be made to guarantee that workplace monitoring is done in an ethical and respectful manner.